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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I determine how much I have contributed to the retirement system?

Submit your request in writing via email, mail or fax with your signature and social security number. We will then forward the information to you by mail or fax.

2. Can I withdraw my contributions from the System? If so, how?

If you are mandated to contribute to Social Security, a provision allows you to opt out of the retirement system and take a refund.

If not, you must terminate employment before you can withdraw your contributions. You must fill out a refund form and mail it to our office; if everything is correct and in order, you will receive a check 90 days after your termination date. If you assigned your contributions in consideration of a loan, we must receive written notification from the credit union that the loan has been paid in full before a refund can be issued.

Should the credit union certify us that you are 60 days or more delinquent, the credit union will issue the refund, and any surplus shall be returned to you by the credit union. (See forms)

3. How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?

Please complete a direct deposit form and email, mail, or fax to our office. If we receive the form before the 15th of the month, the direct deposit will go into effect on the first of the following month.

Direct deposit guarantees that your benefit will be in your bank account on the first of each month unless the first falls on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, then the next bank working day. (See forms)

4. What is the eligibility for retirement?

You are eligible to receive a benefit if you have at least 12 years of service and at least age 55, at least 20 years and at least 50, or at least 25 years at any age.

5. What is the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)?

Instead of terminating employment and retiring, and you have at least 20 years of service and at least 50 years of age, you are eligible to participate in DROP and defer receipt of benefits. You can participate only once for a maximum of 3 years. You continue working but no longer contribute to the retirement system. Your benefit amount is then calculated, and deposits are made monthly to your DROP account. You will receive quarterly statements showing your balance.

6. How can I make withdrawals from my DROP account?

You can make withdrawals from your DROP account in several ways. Monthly, quarterly, or yearly are all options. You can also elect to withdraw the interest in a lump sum or monthly withdrawals. We do require a 30-day notice on all withdrawals. Your DROP withdrawal amount will be sent along with your normal retirement benefit on the first of the month. You must terminate employment and retire before you are eligible to make withdrawals. (See forms)

7. Can I roll over my DROP account into an IRA or money market account?

Because FRS is now a qualified plan, DROP or IBO accounts can be rolled over to another qualified plan.

8. How is portfolio interest on my DROP account calculated, and when is it posted to my account?

DROP accounts earn interest at a rate equal to the percentage rate of return of the System’s investment portfolio. Interest is compounded monthly and paid annually in December. Members have access to the interest in January.

9. When can I receive a cost-of-living raise (COLA) on my retirement benefit?

You must be retired for one full year to receive a cost-of-living raise.

For example, if you have a retirement effective date of January 1, 2000, you can receive your first COLA on January 1, 2001.

10. What is the Initial Benefit Option (IBO) referred to as a “partial lump-sum distribution”?

The initial benefit option is an optional benefit allowance provided under R.S. 11:2259 for members who have not participated in DROP or retired from disability retirement.

The member may receive a lump sum amount up to thirty-six months of the maximum monthly retirement allowance. The initial lump sum may be paid as a lump sum or placed in an account. Interest will be credited, and the member may make monthly withdrawals (same as DROP Accounts). The member will receive an actuarially reduced monthly benefit if the initial benefit option is chosen. (See forms)

11. If I have been a member of another public retirement system, can I transfer my service credit to the Firefighters’ Retirement System?

Yes. Once you have been an “active contributing member” for six (6) months, you may apply to transfer your creditable service from a state or statewide retirement system to the Firefighters’ Retirement System. Please complete an Application for Transfer of Creditable Service. (See forms)

12. If I have military service, may I purchase my military service in the Firefighters’ Retirement System?

Yes. If you have served in any branch of the United States military, you may be eligible to purchase up to four (4) years of military service credit in FRS. To purchase your military service, you must have been “honorably” discharged. Please complete an Application for Purchase of Military Service Credit. (See forms)

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